The final thing came together pretty well. There were lots of little jobs that had to be done: Kna designed a custom wallpaper for the system, and we painted the power / reset buttons. To neaten the finished product, we created a removable screen made from excess CaseSkin material, designed to mask the side of the drivebays and the hard drives. Cables were suitably routed for a tidy look and good airflow, and the whole thing was given a darned good clean before delivery to VIA!
Suffice to say, VIA were more than pleased when we delivered Project Synapse to them for ECTS. With more time, we would have liked to have done some custom lighting features and some nice cut-outs, but we came up with a great machine in a minimal amount of time - contrast the week this took with the 9 months that G-gnome took on Orac3!
<b>Vital Stats</b>
<b>Processor:</b> AMD Athlon 64 3700+
<b>Motherboard:</b> ABIT KV8 Pro 3rd Eye
<b>Chipset:</b> VIA K8T800 Pro
<b>RAM:</b> Corsair 1Gb PC 3200 XL Pro XMS
<b>Graphics:</b> ATI X800 XT Platinum Edition 256Mb AGP
<b>Storage:</b> - Western Digital Raptor 74Gb 10,000rpm RAID 0 x2
- Pioneer DVR-108 DVD R/W 16 speed dual layer burner
<b>Chassis:</b> Lian-Li PC-65 with custom-design Polygfx Caseskin
<b>Mods:</b> Akasa CCFL kits, LED fans
<b>Input:</b> Coolermaster Aluminium keyboard; Microsoft Explorer V4 mouse
<b>Gaming Surface:</b> Ratpadz GS with custom-designed Polygfx MousePad Skin
Finally, we leave you with some money shots:

You can see the interior design pretty well here.

The whole rig, good to go.

The skinned front panel.

ECTS attendees check out the
bit-tech box!

I give some poor soul a run for their money on Doom 3!
Of course, projects like these only come together with the kind support of any number of sponsors, and Project Synapse was no exception. Our sincere thanks go out to the lovely people at: VIA, ABIT, AMD, ATI, Corsair, Ultra Products, Matrix Orbital, Akasa, Polygfx and Kustom PCs.
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